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automative parts

Automotive Part manufacturers facing increased global pressure are stressed to find new efficiencies. Price sensitivity, volatile raw material cost, shorter product lifecycles, and adoption of quality and value-added services continue to erode already thin margins. In response, many manufacturers are expanding their traditional business and looking for new opportunities—some in new and unknown markets and others centered in business performance. Lean initiatives are driving many manufacturers to reengineer business processes from the plant floor to the top floor and to the extended supply chain. These same businesses are enjoying business-wide costs savings, reduction in raw material and work in process, improved throughput, better utilization of existing resources, and improved customer satisfaction.

Robber and Plastics

Robber and Plastics manufacturers facing increased global pressure are stressed to find new efficiencies. Price sensitivity, volatile raw material cost, shorter product lifecycles, and adoption of quality and value-added services continue to erode already thin margins. In response, many manufacturers are expanding their traditional business and looking for new opportunities—some in new and unknown markets and others centered in business performance. Lean initiatives are driving many manufacturers to reengineer business processes from the plant floor to the top floor and throughout the extended supply chain. These same businesses are enjoying business-wide costs savings, reduction in raw material and work in process, improved throughput with heightened resource utilization, and overall improvement in customer satisfaction.

Fabricated metals

Fabricated Metals manufacturers facing increased global pressure are stressed to find new efficiencies. Price sensitivity, volatile raw material cost, shorter product lifecycles, and adoption of quality and value-added services continue to erode already thin margins. In response, many manufacturers are expanding their traditional business and looking for new opportunities—some in new and unknown markets and others centered in business performance. Lean initiatives are driving many manufacturers to re-engineer business processes from the plant floor to the top floor and to the extended supply chain. These same businesses are enjoying business-wide costs savings, reduction in raw material and work in process, improved throughput, better utilization of existing resources, and improved customer satisfaction.

Industry machinery

Itelligensys understands that as an industry machinery or capital equipment manufacturer, you must identify, consider, and respond to a new set of challenges each day. Change in this industry is a given; managing the change with tools and services to distinguish your business from local and global competition is fundamental. With increasing pressure to reduce prices in a business climate of expanding raw material cost, reduced labor availability, and customers across the world. Businesses like yours are streamlining and adopting new technology to automate business processes for more competitive lead times and to reduce waste in the organization. In this increasingly competitive market, if you aren’t keeping your customers happy someone else will.

Medical Devices

Itelligensys understands that businesses manufacturing and/or distributing medical devices face a unique set of challenges. Whether your business is built on the creation of a single successful device, or other manufacturers depend on you for parts or components in their end devices, or you procure and supply end medical devices directly; the drive for providing the latest innovative technologies alongside long product development cycles and complex traceability requirements inherently introduce risk. Demographics are on your side. With today’s aging population, tremendous opportunity is available to successful medical device businesses who can manage growth, while responding to market changes and adhering to the rigorous demands of the industry; namely FDA 21 CFR Part 11 compliance, ISO13485, and cGMP.

construction and engineering

As a company within the construction and engineering industry, you face a number of challenges including providing accurate bids and cost collection as well as effectively managing complex human resource, projects, change orders and billing etc. Itelligensys understands your industry and its challenges, and has thus developed an industry-specific solution that integrates seamlessly into your existing technology infrastructure.

electronics and high tech

The electronics and high tech industry has never needed to move faster than today. With finished products typically having a life-cycle of six months or less, and competitions coming from around the globe, you need to optimize your planning, production, purchase, sale and after-sales processes to be leaner and more agile than your competitors. But it’s not enough to be faster, you also need to be first to market to maximize profit.

other Manufacturing

ITelligensys understands that you, like manufacturers worldwide, must identify, consider and respond to a new set of challenges and variables each day. Some are due to the extended enterprise and globalization of manufacturing. Some are a result of internal inefficiencies that affect your ability to compete on dimensions such as cost, quality, or response time. Others arise out of the necessity to blend your business processes with those of your customers, suppliers, other plants, warehouse, and distribution channels. There is often no precedent for how to respond to new requirements and market conditions. Communications, collaboration, flexibility, agility, and innovation are the only constants.


Epicor 財務管理針對高度規範和日益全球化的營商環境,以全新的商務思維提供專屬的會計程式;透過一系列「全球引擎」可在任何地方進行有效的財務管理與控制。以協助企業(無論是使用單一總帳會計的小企業或跨國企業)以更高效率達到有效的財務管理與監控為目標;Epicor 財務管理能即時存取會計資訊,以現代化平台達至運籌帷幄。
CRM(客戶關係管理)策略對企業的尤為重要,Epicor CRM 協助您輕鬆保持領先地位並面對各種商業挑戰;不管對內對外,從潛在客戶到現金流量,都能有效管理所有客戶的生命週期、提升作業效率並加速企業成長。 CRM掌握了公司與各客戶層之間的互動,包括建尋覓新客戶、開發商機、收訂單、生產與出貨,或是商品供應或服務、收款和客戶服務。Epicor CRM 讓您全方位檢視整個客戶、供應商或合作夥伴的關係。 ESE (Epicor 企業社群模組) 進一步加強 Epicor CRM在整個客戶關係續存期間,為持份者雙方提供最新相關資訊。借助 ESE,客戶、潛在客戶及合作夥伴都能與公司內部的資訊人員模組保持合作,確保客戶絕對滿意。
Epicor 服務管理能迅速回應客戶要求,並提供客戶服務人員所需的知識,以提高客戶服務品質。Epicor 知道客戶需要得到迅速回應,從與聯絡客戶瞭解狀況到地區作業、以至快速有效處理退貨,Epicor 服務管理都能提昇企業對處理事件的需求與負責任的專業態度。
產品資料管理 Epicor PDM (產品資料管理) 是流程與產品記錄的中央知識儲存區。PDM促進與產品互動的使用者之間的整合與資料交換,人員包括:專案經理、工程師、銷售人員、採購人員及品管人員。Epicor PDM可以促成整個價值鏈的協同作業之外,還提供完整的點對點解決方案來管理產品生命週期,方便企業控管所產生的大量電子檔。 規劃與排程 績效主導的公司必須在不干擾業務進行的情況下,精準預測客戶的需求變更並迅速回應。無論是全球化、多據點企業或單一據點製造商或經銷商,精準且靈活的規劃和排程能力絕對是提升盈利與效率的重心。Epicor 全方位解決方案可預測、MRP(物料需求規劃)、排程與進階規劃及排程,輕鬆滿足企業靈活應變的需要。 生產管理 不管生產的是複雜或是簡單的產品,強大的生產控制能加強競爭優勢。環球市場進入微利時代,客戶變得更精打細算; 企業想方設法地尋求靈活的解決方案,提升回應的速度與效率。Epicor 可為按訂單式生產 (make-to-order)、混合模式 (mixed-mode)、按庫存式生產 (make-to-stock)、訂單設計(engineer-to-order) 與客製化生產 (configure–to-order manufacturers) 提供全方位的解決方案,包括分銷商所需的精簡組裝,專門設計的生產控制模組,包括工單管理、精益生產、MES(製造執行系統)、品質保證與進階品質管理。
整合供應鏈的各個貿易夥伴、流程與系統,是達至卓越績效的必要手段;省卻沒有附加價值的流程、同步公司內外的流程,進而符合客戶對低廉成本與快速交貨的需求。Epicor 商務平台藉由業界一流的服務導向架構 (SOA) 提供的全方位供應鏈管理(SCM)。Epicor SCM擁有完整的企業程式,包括採購管理、尋找貨源與採購、庫存管理、進階物料管理與倉庫管理模組,並搭配 Epicor 銷售管理的訂單與需求管理模組。趨於全球市場化的情況下,將各模組緊密結合的解決方案,絕對能夠滿足客戶需求。
在規劃與執行專案期間,對於精細規劃多層級階段、嚴謹計算成本與複雜出帳,Epicor 專案管理全方位解決方案是不二之選。內置式 Epicor 詳細預估、規劃、排程、成本計算與供應鏈運籌管理等優越功能,充分掌控並分析任何一個專案。資源管理能詳細呈現資源功能與可用狀況,時間和開支管理及核准功能,確保專案能詳實反映出真正成本;完備的出帳和收益功能保證專案完全合乎合約要求與會計標準。
Epicor 服務管理能迅速回應客戶要求,並提供客戶服務人員所需的知識,以提高客戶服務品質。Epicor 知道客戶需要得到迅速回應,從與聯絡客戶瞭解狀況到地區作業、以至快速有效處理退貨,Epicor 服務管理都能提昇企業對處理事件的需求與負責任的專業態度。
Epicor 企業績效管理是一套點對點解決方案,運用直覺式使用者介面、使用者導向的重要績效指標 (KPI) 及對企業具有實質意義的預載分析工具,讓企業運作更具前瞻性。Epicor EPM 充分運用 Microsoft 平台的先進分析功能,融合網路應用概念,提供前所未有的簡易性以達至理想的業務成果。Microsoft SQL Server Reporting Services (SSRS) 是 Epicor EPM 的支援基礎,提供彈性的報表結構,以商務使用者能輕易使用的格式,制作專業報表及分析供持份者檢閱。
Itelligensys深信無論是您是大型企業集團或中小型成長型公司,都在尋求完善及整合且便利經濟的系統提供組織內部的排班、薪資、差勤、請假等人事管理服務。HR-Cloud好操作,適用多種產業、支援集團/跨國 HR管理需求(特別是台灣地區本地的、於中國大陸、越南、菲律賓、馬來西亞等東南亞地區設置公司及工廠) 本系統是一套以網頁為基礎的人力資源管理方案,適合各行各業不同規模的公司或組織機構,由單一用戶單一工作地點的小型公司或機構,到擁有眾多使用者及工作地點或是東南亞分公司的各種形態公司或機構,都可以滿足您的人事管理之需要。 HR-Cloud除針對特定行業需要而設計,並能適合95%以上的產業,能夠有效節省解決薪資人工核對、抄錄班表、計算薪資、保費計算等時間的人事管理需要及挑戰。系統可透過網路操作(web-based) ,讓公司業主及員工可以隨時隨地透過既安全又簡單易用的平台有效地進行人力資源管理。
管理性質各異的業務會面對許多挑戰,也會帶來豐富的商機,包括集中式或分散式作業控制、整個企業的預視性、公司間的供應鏈管理、及財務整合等。面對商務範疇日趨分散的情況,Epicor 特地在解決方案當中加入了強效的全球商業功能。不管選擇哪種方式來定義自己的業務,Epicor 都支援系統與業務之間的交易功能,包括公司之間的訂單、轉換訂單與廠房及倉庫之間的出貨等交易行為。Epicor 透過單一應用程式協助完成上述各項作業,並隨著拓展業務彈性地成長。Epicor 全球商業管理可提供所需的重要工具,以建立並確實維護單一版本。
Epicor 企業應用程式均運用目前最先進的連接系統構架,從零開始進行設計與研發。選擇專注於連接系統,是因為 ERP 作為一種高效、周全親切的服務系統,取得了非凡蓬勃的發展,將人、系統與流程緊密連結一起。今時今日企業發展策略與技術戰略密切相關;技術部門的責任是在公司內部,從根本出發,提高競爭力的企業文化。
遵照這一原則,Epicor 將技術平台與應用程式的研發分離。一方面,工具和架構能確保用戶對系統有劃一的體驗,讓使用者在不同情況下皆可將ERP運用自如;另一方面,我們亦為使用者提供合適的工具來對系統進行客製化,以適用於其本身的業務所需。這種把工具與技術完美融合的系統平台,稱為 Epicor 網際網路元件環境 (ICE)。
有效的企業治理,、風險及合規性 (GRC) 規劃可協助公司與員工符合相關規定,確保各層級員工與合作夥伴都瞭解違反合規性的相關風險。GRC 可說是與每個部門和員工都有關係,GRC 規劃會否增加行政成本,或提升效率與成功機率,完全取決於規劃能否確切落實到員工的工作上,及該影響是正面還是負面。
運用我們提供企業應用軟體整合(Enterprise Application Integration,EAI)、流程引擎、流程最佳化設計、表單開發、系統文件產生、流程成本效率評量與績效管理等相關管理應用元件,讓 貴企業IT逐步實現服務導向架構(Service Oriented Architecture,SOA)的理想,達到快速變動( Agile)、彈性應變(Flexible)、全盤掌控(Management)的目標,讓企業能在競爭激烈的市場經營環境中取得最佳競爭優勢。
PDM (Product Data Management) 是為設計資料、產品數據的整合管理系統。 PDM 能管理的範疇包含CAD (computer-aided design)3D繪圖軟體的圖形檔案、零件資訊、變更需求、生產說明……等相關文件,強調建立檔案的關連性,並以圖文檔為中心進行研發流程的管理。PDM解決方案可以促成整個價值鏈的協同作業之外,還提供完整的點對點解決方案來管理產品生命週期,方便企業控管所產生的大量電子檔與生成BOM及MOM後續製造資料的整合。
將各式設備透過通訊整合為產線區塊透過通訊整合平台進行控制,整合應用系統與設備資訊 並且具備針對現有設備進行更新改造,以通訊平台作資料整合的彈性,相關資料、參數、工單皆由平台下達保持同步與正確性,現場產能、機台狀況由平台回授,無需人工派單抄表 在辦公室或整合平台上可即時了解現場生產狀況、工單完成進度。

Epicor Supply Chain Management Suite (English version)

Epicor Supply Chain Management Suite (English version)

Epicor Supply Chain Management Suite (English version)

Epicor Supply Chain Management Suite (English version)

Epicor Supply Chain Management Suite (English version)

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